Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Journey Begins

It was a regular evening, the second week in December. I was relaxing for the night after coming home from work and putting the little guys to bed. Christmas was coming and I was searching for some last minute gifts.

Then I had this feeling--more like a nudge--to look into child sponsorship. I can say I'm not sure where that pull came from but looking at it now, it was so obvious that it was God.
I checked a few other sponsorship programs but kept being drawn back to Compassion International.
I researched and watched every video possible on Compassion’s site and my heart was moved in a way I haven’t felt in quite some time. I knew I had to help somehow… but how to make the decision on which of the thousands of children to sponsor?

I searched through the website. I made a list (a rather long one at that!). It took many hours, much prayer and a few sleepless nights to make that decision. After talking with my husband, Phil, about it I was finally lead to sponsor our Sadurshika from Sri Lanka. She was one of the first I had found on Compassion  and I just kept coming back to her. It said she liked telling stories--something I loved doing at the same age. There was just something in her eyes and almost smile that kept me coming back to her profile.

It's only been 4 months, but in that time, my life has already changed so much for the better. I joined the correspondence program, and now write to a dozen other kids (with a few more requests on the waiting list). I became a child advocate, so I actively look for sponsors for other children. I have signed up to volunteer for the  Compassion mobile experience "Change the Story" when it comes to town in May.
I am still quite a newbie in the scheme of things but I know that God brought me to Sadurshika that one cold December night for His bigger plan--a plan I can only grasp a glimpse of through the eyes of these children.


  1. Welcome to the Compassion family! I love your story~~ it's one that I sure relate with, along with so many of my Compassion friends. <3 <3 <3 Many blessings to you for you journey with God in reaching the hearts and lives of children around the world... and having your heart and life changed as well~~! It's a continual process as the Lord works more and more in us through this wonderful opportunity of child sponsorship.
