Saturday, March 28, 2015

Do Not Worry

" Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!" Luke 12:22-24

"Do not worry." That can be hard to do some days. Most days, if you're someone like me. I find myself worrying about the silliest things--how crowded a store or playground will be, whether or not my children will behave in public, what to make for dinner... yes, I am a worrywart! It is one of the parts of my personality that I struggle to fix on an almost hourly basis.

But really, my worries are rather ridiculous when compared to many, especially those living in desperate poverty. While I worry about trivial matters, there are moms and dads who worry about whether or not their children will eat for the day. Or if they have clothes to fit them. Or if they need to sacrifice what little they have to get a sick child to the doctor.

But Jesus sends reassurance--even the birds are provided for, and so God will provide for you. It can be hard to relay such things to a family in desperate circumstances but I believe that Compassion is God's way of providing for these families. Local churches work through Compassion to help provide these families what they are lacking--food, clothing, medicine, even education. Sponsoring these children brings the Word of God to life for them in so many ways.

You may be wondering about the children that don't have sponsors. They are provided for too! Compassion makes sure of it. You can donate to the unsponsored children fund and that will help provide for their needs.

God always provides. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

To Give Them a Future

I received four new child sponsorship packets in the mail today. Four precious little ones looking for hope and a future, all beautiful in God's eyes! He has plans to give them exactly that--perhaps you will be a part of that plan!

The first one is beautiful Kishori from India. She has been waiting over 7 months for a sponsor.
Kishori Sanju Belunke (November 28, 2009)
Kishori is 5 years old. She lives with her father and mother. She is responsible for running errands. Her father and mother are both sometimes employed as laborers. There are 3 children in the family. Kishori enjoys playing house and playing with dolls. She attends church activities regularly and is in preschool where her performance is average. I'm sure she would enjoy a letter with a paper doll or two!
This is Soumya, also from India. He has also been waiting over 7 months.
Soumya Laspal, (October 11, 2008)
Soumya is 6 years old. He makes his home with his mother. Running errands is his household duty. His mother maintains the home. There are 2 children in the family. Soumya enjoys playing with friends. He attends church activities regularly and is in preschool where his performance is average. He looks like he just wants to run and play!
Next is Ushani from Sri Lanka. She looks a little unsure to be here for the picture. I just want to give her a big hug!
Ushani Kaisha (October 22, 2010)
Ushani is 4 years old. She lives with her mother and father. She is responsible for cleaning. Her father is sometimes employed as a laborer and her mother maintains the home. Art, playing with dolls and reading are Ushani's favorite activities. In kindergarten her performance is average and she also regularly attends church activities.
Finally, this is Steven from Indonesia. Don't you just love his outfit and his pose?
Steven Riwu (August 18, 2010)
Steven is 4 years old. He lives with his mother and father. Running errands is his household duty. His father is sometimes employed and his mother maintains the home. There are 5 children in the family.
Steven is not presently attending school. Soccer and playing with marbles are his favorite activities. He also attends church activities regularly.

If you would like to learn more about the areas in which they live, check out the tab on the top of my page that says "Become a Sponsor." Please keep these little ones in prayer and if you're interested in sponsoring one of them, contact me at

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Journey Begins

It was a regular evening, the second week in December. I was relaxing for the night after coming home from work and putting the little guys to bed. Christmas was coming and I was searching for some last minute gifts.

Then I had this feeling--more like a nudge--to look into child sponsorship. I can say I'm not sure where that pull came from but looking at it now, it was so obvious that it was God.
I checked a few other sponsorship programs but kept being drawn back to Compassion International.
I researched and watched every video possible on Compassion’s site and my heart was moved in a way I haven’t felt in quite some time. I knew I had to help somehow… but how to make the decision on which of the thousands of children to sponsor?

I searched through the website. I made a list (a rather long one at that!). It took many hours, much prayer and a few sleepless nights to make that decision. After talking with my husband, Phil, about it I was finally lead to sponsor our Sadurshika from Sri Lanka. She was one of the first I had found on Compassion  and I just kept coming back to her. It said she liked telling stories--something I loved doing at the same age. There was just something in her eyes and almost smile that kept me coming back to her profile.

It's only been 4 months, but in that time, my life has already changed so much for the better. I joined the correspondence program, and now write to a dozen other kids (with a few more requests on the waiting list). I became a child advocate, so I actively look for sponsors for other children. I have signed up to volunteer for the  Compassion mobile experience "Change the Story" when it comes to town in May.
I am still quite a newbie in the scheme of things but I know that God brought me to Sadurshika that one cold December night for His bigger plan--a plan I can only grasp a glimpse of through the eyes of these children.

A Short Introduction

Welcome to my Compassion Advocate blog! I am excited to be a part of the Advocate network and learning more every day. I will be posting pictures and information about children who need sponsors: someone who can offer them a glimmer of hope in the midst of desperate poverty. I will also write about my own journey as a sponsor and correspondent. Thank you for visiting my blog!