
I am advocating for these children to find sponsors. Please read about them below. Maybe you will be the one to help them find hope! If you are interested, contact me at

Kishori is 5 years old (November 28. 2009).  She lives with her father and mother. She is responsible for running errands. Her father and mother are both sometimes employed as laborers. There are 3 children in the family. Kishori enjoys playing house and playing with dolls. She attends church activities regularly and is in preschool where her performance is average.
She lives on the plains of Hamalwada, home to approximately 1,500 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt or wood floors, mud, wood or grass walls and tin or thatched roofs. The regional diet consists of maize, chicken, rice and potatoes. Common health problems include diarrhea, malaria, fevers and headaches. Half of the adults are unemployed but some work as day laborers and earn the equivalent of $60 of month. This community needs safe drinking water, improved sanitation, educational materials and awareness on the importance of education.
 **Waiting for over 7 months**
This is Soumya. Soumya is 6 years old (October 11, 2008). He makes his home with his mother. Running errands is his household duty. His mother maintains the home. There are 2 children in the family. Soumya enjoys playing with friends. He attends church activities regularly and is in preschool where his performance is average.
He lives in the mountainous community of Kemchora, Jalapa, home to approximately 2,800 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, brick walls and  tile roofs. The primary ethnic group is Shauna (tribal group) and the most commonly spoken languages are Kumaouni an Hindi. The regional diet consists of bread, beans, rice and potatoes. Common health problems include tuberculosis, skin infections, malnutrition, diarrhea and waterborne diseases. Most adults are unemployed but some work as day laborers and earn the equivalent of $40 per month. This community needs improved sanitation, tuition assistance and modern farming techniques training.
**Waiting for over 7 months**
Sri Lanka
Ushani is 4 years old (October 22, 2010). She lives with her mother and father. She is responsible for cleaning. Her father is sometimes employed as a laborer and her mother maintains the home. Art, playing with dolls and reading are Ushani's favorite activities. In kindergarten her performance is average and she also regularly attends church activities.
 She lives in the coastal community of Chilaw,home to approximately 5,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, brick walls and tile roofs. The most commonly spoken languages are Sinhala
 and Tamil. The regional diet consist of fish and rice. Common health problems in this area are caused by lack of hygiene. Most adults work as day laborers, fishermen or in factories and earn the equivalent of $103 per month. This community needs schools, trained teachers, scholastic materials and income-generating activities.
Steven is 4 years old (August 18, 2010). He lives with his mother and father. Running errands is his household duty. His father is sometimes employed and his mother maintains the home. There are 5 children in the family.
Steven is not presently attending school. Soccer and playing with marbles are his favorite activities. He also attends church activities regularly.

He lives in the coastal community of Kelurahan Nunbaun Sabo, home to 3,279,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, bamboo walls, and corrugated tin roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Timor, Aloe, Rote, Sabo, Sumba and Flores. The regional diet consists of fish and rice. Common health problems in this area include malaria and tuberculosis. Most adults work as day laborers and earn the equivalent of $35 per month. This community needs clean water, improved sanitation, tuition assistance and law enforcement.


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